...half-faded journal entries.
March 3rd, 2024
Wow, well over a year since I've updated this place! I'm so sorry! I get grand ideas and then let them fester for unknown amounts of time before I actually come back to continue them. I need to make a habit of updating this place, as well as learning new bits of code to make it pretty and enticing. It's good for my brain. She needs the enrichment.
Btw! I wanted to share a recent game haul I picked up. I've been slowly amassing a physical collection of video games. I really only pick up games I already know I enjoy, or think that I would enjoy. I'm not interested in collecting every game to ever exist in every variation-just the ones that I like. That is, however, a shit ton of games across many platforms! There's a retro game store local to me, and I ventured out to it about a month ago and picked up quite a few games that I'm very happy to share!

I have played, or wanted to play all of these games and did not already own a physical copy. I've played P5 Royal and own it digitally, but I wanted a physical copy of both the base game and, eventually, Royal. I've also played that HP game many times. I've fallen out of that fandom due to JK's detestable worldview of trans people, particularly trans women, as well as her shitty writing, but the first couple of HP games are still genuinely nostalgic and enjoyable. Buying it second hand ensured money only went to the kind man running the store, not her.
I have also played GTA Vice City many, many times as a child. I did previously own a physical copy, but I'm not sure what happened to it. So, I picked up a new one! I also used to own Ni No Kuni, but I gave it to a friend years ago. I've finally reacquired my own copy! I adore that game, it's so unique and fun. I haven't played any of the others yet, though I've wanted to. Nightmare Creatures was an especially awesome find!! It has a small crack on the front of the jewel case, so it was discounted some, but the CD is in excellent condition (and it has the manual!). I always look for CIB if possible.
I was so happy with these finds. I'll be going back there many times, and I have a couple of other game stores within travel distance I'd like to hit up soon as well!

February 11th, 2023
Figuring out the coding for this site and slowly cobbling together a somewhat cohesive theme. I'm never very consistent, but I'll consistently make tweaks and improve things here as a I go along! I'm leaning into the "just stumbled into some old man's tomb" theme right now, let's see where it goes!